Aristotle’s Poetics & Angels in America

For your second paper, use the concepts you’ve learned from Aristotle’s Poetics to explain Tony Kushner’s Angels in America as an example of tragedy. Start with a thorough explanation of one of Aristotle’s theories, using quotations from his text. You may choose to concentrate on plot, character, diction, spectacle, or any combination of these elements. Remember, don’t merely provide a list of concepts; be sure to dive deeply enough so that your reader isn’t left with his or her head spinning.

Next, use Angels in America as an example. If you’ve studied the elements of plot, think about how Aristotle might see Kushner’s play as a good (or bad) example of a tragedy’s use of reversals/recognitions, length, etc. If you concentrated on character, you might wish to choose one or two of Kushner’s characters and explain whether or not they are good, appropriate, consistent, and “like” real life people. For spectacle, you might want to explain how Kusher’s use of effects adds to the audience’s experience of the story. In this part of your paper, a bit of plot rehash is necessary, but you needn’t provide a complete summary.

  • Length: 800-1000 words, double-spaced
  • Format: Word document
  • Due: Wednesday, March 27 via e-mail (